The primary purpose of this Association shall be to foster good fellowship, social activities, support within the limits available and approved by the Board of Directors, the decommissioned Coast Guard Cutter, USCGC INGHAM, now the U.S. COAST GUARD CUTTER INGHAM (WHEC-35) Maritime Museum & National Historic Landmark, Key West, Florida and to accomplish the programs as outlined in the Preamble.
(Being mindful of the traditions, duties and purposes of the United States Coast Guard, our duty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and believing that through social association and mutual acquaintance we may further perpetuate the memory of our fallen comrades, assist their widows and orphans, assist honorably charged or retired Coast Guard Veterans of the 327 foot Secretary Class Cutters USCGC INGHAM, and sister ships, USCGC BIBB, USCGC CAMPBELL, USCGC DUANE, USCGC
HAMILTON, USCGC SPENCER and USCGC TANEY, promote and enhance the image and posture of the United States Coast Guard, therefore we do associate ourselves together and declare the following Articles to be the Constitution and By-Laws of the USCGC INGHAM Association, Incorporated.) particularly as to recognition of the 327 foot Secretary Class Cutters.
Our Mission

Nineteen Eighty-Three (1983), some 38 years after the end of WWII, the time was right to reconnect with old friends, friends they had made protecting the world from tyrants, on a ship called INGHAM. The men from the INGHAM had raised their families, Ronald Reagan was President and Patriotism was back. As a nation we had again become the "city upon a hill—the eyes of all people are upon us". The time had come to reunite and go visit their special lady, the "Mighty I", so the planning for a 1984 reunion began.
The process to reunite with fellow shipmates began with a yellowing, 12-page document labeled "Name, serial or service number, rank or rate and home of all officers and enlisted men aboard the USCGC INGHAM as of 1, July 1945". Out of the 307 names on the document, 178 were contacted by mail or phone regarding the reunion. Each INGHAM sailor contacted was then asked to spread the word to their close friends. The 1st reunion organizers were Donald Balsly, Russell Burkhard, William Henderson, Frances Balsly, and Lucy Burkhard.

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Who can be a member?
Anyone who has served on INGHAM or is a descendant of someone who served on the INGHAM or was a guardsman on a Secretary Class sister ship is eligible to join the USCGC INGHAM ASSOCIATION.
What are the Membership Types?
Lifetime: under 55 years - $300
55 - 64 years - $200
65 - 68 years - $150
69 years & over - $100
Regular: $25/year
Active Duty: $15/year
Associate: $15/year