Join us!
The 2018 INGHAM Reunion
is scheduled for September 27, 28th and 29th
at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel
Norfolk, VA.
We look forward to seeing you all!

September 27, 2018
2:00pm - 6:00pm Arrival
Register in the Hospitality Room
Sign in and pick up badges, agendas and meal tickets
Registration Fee $20.00 per person
4:00pm - 5:30pm Welcome Reception with light refreshments in the Greenway Room.
6:00 pm Free to explore individual dinner options. Hospitality room (Greenway Room) will be open for shipmates to gather and enjoy snacks and liquid refreshments until 11pm.

September 28, 2018
9:00am Bus tour from Hotel to the old Coast Guard Moorings in Berkley where INGHAM was stationed 1946-1974 (photo stop) and then to Coast Guard Base Portsmouth where INGHAM was moored from 1974-1988. ($20.00 pp).​
10:30am Memorial Service at CG Base Portsmouth-followed by a Cutter Tour.
12:30pm Lunch at Base (self pay $10-$20).
3:00pm Return trip to Hotel
Evening Free - Hospitality room (Greenway)will be open for shipmates to gather and enjoy snacks and liquid refreshments until 11pm.

September 29, 2018
9:30am - 11:00am Ingham Association Members Business Meeting in Hospitality Room
Old /New business
Election of officers for the 2018-2020 term will be held
11:00am - 4:30pm Free to Explore local sites
6:00pm - 9:30 pm Traditional Awards Banquet at Hotel
Plated dinners include salad, main course-choice of three entrees ($45) and dessert
Speaker TBD
9:30pm Hospitality room (Greenway) will be open for shipmates to gather and enjoy snacks and liquid refreshments until 11pm
Hotel Reservation Info
Mention the INGHAM Association for a special discount rate of $119.00 plus taxes and fees which brings the room rate to $138.66 per night.
In order to know how many rooms we should commit to this great rate, we need to know if you will be booking a room at this hotel. Please respond ASAP if coming to the Reunion and staying at the hotel are in your plans.
Rooms guaranteed at this rate and are not booked for the 3 nights will become an expense that will be charged to the USCGC INGHAM Association.